Here you can find local accommodation providers - classic hotels, small guest houses as well as private appartments in the vicinity of the Vysočina Arena - feel free to contact them directly, should you want to use their offer.
Hotel Skalský dvůr
*** with 30 double-bedded rooms available. Link.
Hotel Horník
5 available rooms in the tourist class (shared sanitary facilities). Very close to the Arena. Link.
Jelínková vila
4 double bed rooms, 1 appartment, 1 room for 3. Link.
Roubenka 44
Full historical and romantic cottage. Link.
Chalupa v Dalečíně
Full cottage with 15 beds. Email contact.
Skalský mlýn
*** guest house 10 km away from the Arena. Link.
Autocamp Pilák
Cottages with 4 beds in the campsite. Link.
Hotel Medlov
*** hotel close to the Arena. Link.
Penzion U Statkářky
Guest house is full, but they have free capacity in the camping. Link.
Rekreační středisko Domanínský rybník
Small and cheap oldschool retro cottages. Link.
Penzion Tři Pumpy
*** guest house only 5 km away from the Arena. 1 room for 5 available. Link.
Full large cottage with 5 beds. Link.
Penzion U dvojice
Tourist class, simple accommodation in 5 rooms for maximum 25 persons. Link.
Autokemp Sykovec
Camping. Link.
Chalupa u Kamnáře
Beautiful and stylish cottage. Link.
Penzion Velké Dářko
Nice guest house with 10 rooms available. Link.
Penzion Zubr
Guest house with 4 rooms available. Link.
RS Na Mítince
7 cottages and 1 appartment. Link.
U pramene vírského Vánku
Appartments in a nice traditional guest house. Link.
Penzion U Kačenky
6 rooms of various sizes available. Link.
Penzion Sykovec
4 rooms of various sizes available. Link.
Hotel Musil
2 rooms for 3 (one with extra bed for up to 2 more) and 4 rooms for 2 (3 have possibility for extra bed) available. Link.
Orea Hotel Devět Skal
20 rooms available. Link.
Pension U Lípy
4 rooms for 2, 1 for 3 and 2 for 4 available. Link.
Statek u Kalinů
Large holiday home with 3 apartments for 4 / 7 / 8 persons . Link.
Blatiny 11
Exclusive holiday home with wellness for 8 people. Link.
Appartments NMNM, former Pasáček
Accommodation for 37 guests in 14 rooms in the center of NMNM. Parking, bike storage, courtyard. Email contact. Phone: +420 605 149 742